发布日期:2023-10-30 04:29 点击次数:171
挑战极限提供安全、稳定博彩平台多样化博彩游戏赛事直播,博彩攻略技巧分享,广大博彩爱好者带来最佳博彩体验最高博彩收益。皇冠足球投注当今,您不错使用 Longhorn UI 操作 Longhorn。同期,您不错使用 Python 拜谒 Longhorn API,如下所示。
1.取得 Longhorn API 端点与 Longhorn 通讯的一种表情是通过 longhorn-frontend service。
博彩平台提现步骤皇冠客服飞机:@seo3687要是您在装配 Longhorn 的褪色集群中开动自动化/剧本(automation/scripting)器具,请勾通到端点 http://longhorn-frontend.longhorn-system/v1
要是您在腹地机器上开动自动化/剧本(automation/scripting)器具,请使用 kubectl port-forward 将 longhorn-frontend service 转发到 localhost:
kubectl port-forward services/longhorn-frontend 8080:http -n longhorn-system
并勾通到端点 http://localhost:8080/v1
皇冠足球 2.使用 Python Client将 longhorn.py 文献(包含 Python client)导入到以下 Python 剧本中,并从 API 端点创建一个 client:
排列三百家乐皇冠新网址import longhorn # If automation/scripting tool is inside the same cluster in which Longhorn is installed longhorn_url = 'http://longhorn-frontend.longhorn-system/v1' # If forwarding `longhorn-frontend` service to localhost longhorn_url = 'http://localhost:8080/v1' client = longhorn.Client(url=longhorn_url) # Volume operations # List all volumes volumes = client.list_volume() # Get volume by NAME/ID testvol1 = client.by_id_volume(id="testvol1") # Attach TESTVOL1 testvol1 = testvol1.attach(hostId="worker-1") # Detach TESTVOL1 testvol1.detach() # Create a snapshot of TESTVOL1 with NAME snapshot1 = testvol1.snapshotCreate(name="snapshot1") # Create a backup from a snapshot NAME testvol1.snapshotBackup(name=snapshot1.name) # Update the number of replicas of TESTVOL1 testvol1.updateReplicaCount(replicaCount=2) # Find more examples in Longhorn integration tests https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn-tests/tree/master/manager/integration/tests # Node operations # List all nodes nodes = client.list_node() # Get node by NAME/ID node1 = client.by_id_node(id="worker-1") # Disable scheduling for NODE1 client.update(node1, allowScheduling=False) # Enable scheduling for NODE1 client.update(node1, allowScheduling=True) # Find more examples in Longhorn integration tests https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn-tests/tree/master/manager/integration/tests # Setting operations # List all settings settings = client.list_setting() # Get setting by NAME/ID backupTargetsetting = client.by_id_setting(id="backup-target") # Update a setting backupTargetsetting = client.update(backupTargetsetting, value="s3://backupbucket@us-east-1/") # Find more examples in Longhorn integration tests https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn-tests/tree/master/manager/integration/tests